- Ashley Wren Acupuncture1448 15th Street
Suite #201
Santa Monica, CA 90404(310) 936-5260 - Tue11am - 6pmThu11am - 6pmSat11am - 4pm
Latest Articles:
- • Strategies to Stay Calm and Joyful During the Season •
- • How to Stay Mentally Resilient in the Colder Months •
- • Three Delicious and Healthy Soup Recipes to Keep Warm This Winter •
The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons
Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable year-round. While this accessibility is convenient, it disconnects us from the natural cycles of food and may not always be the healthiest or most sustainable choice. Let’s delve into the benefits of eating for the seasons and how it can transform your health, environment, and culinary experience. continue reading
Acupuncture and Nutritional Support
If you are one of the millions of people who made a New Year’s resolution last month to eat better and make healthier choices in 2023, then it might be time to take stock of how that process is going. Are you already off the wagon and back to your unhealthy habits? Or are you keeping your eye on your goals and making progress? No matter which side of the coin you fall on, you might want to talk to your acupuncturist about your nutritional goals. They can be a wealth of information and help as you look to build a better and stronger you. continue reading
Food as Medicine
Mama Always Said: You Are What You Eat
Maybe mom really did know best when it came to nutrition. As research has shown, what we eat can actually impact our health profoundly. Over the years, we have learned that our dietary choices can influence our risk of disease. And some have made it a profitable business to teach us new ways to look at food (anti-inflammatory diet, Keto, heart healthy, etc.). continue reading
Foods to Eat to Help Depression
Major depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States, with an estimated 17.3 million people reporting that they’ve experienced at least one or more major depressive episodes in their lives 1. For some individuals, depression can impair and interfere with their ability to carry out everyday responsibilities and participate in life’s many roles. With the stress of COVID-19 and its related effects, feelings of sadness and helplessness can be magnified by loss of routine and financial uncertainty. That’s why it’s now more important than ever to take care of one’s self by eating nutritiously.
Food Color and Nutrition
In Chinese medical theory, food is considered medicine. Food has qualities and functions biochemically and energetically that target specific organs. Not only that, but the action a particular food takes to benefit that organ in terms of taste, color and temperature is what is included in Five Element theory. Food has a relationship to both the natural elements as well as the organs in the body and balances the elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood to healthy, generating cycles. continue reading